Halfelves are crossbreeds of Humans and Elves. They have all the physical attributes of Elves and have the bodily strength normally associated with Humans. Their stature is equivalent with that of Humans. Unfortunately, having Elven characteristics, certain races may impart their hatred for Elves upon Halfelves.

Racial abilities: infravision, resist poison, and resist charm, susceptible to iron

Attribute bonuses: +1 dex

Halfelves have no base class restrictions. They may not choose to subclass into Berserkers.

Racial attribute mods affect both starting stats and maximum stats.
Click on a race for more information about it.

             Str  Int  Wis  Dex  Con
Human         0    0    0    0    0
Elf          -2    2    1    1   -1
Halfelf       0    0    0    1    0
Drow         -1    1    1    1   -2
Dwarf         1    0    0   -1    2
Hobbit       -1    0   -1    3   -1
Gnome        -1    0    2    1   -1
Duergar       1   -1    0    0    2
Orc           1   -1    0    0    0
Halforc       1   -3   -2    0    3
Barbarian     2   -2   -2    0    2
Pixie        -4    2    2    3   -3
Giant         3   -4   -3   -2    3
Hobgoblin     1    0   -1    0    1
Kobold       -1   -1    0    2    1
Ogre          2   -2   -1   -2    2
Githyanki     0    2    1    0   -1
Faerie       -2    1    1    1   -1